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The Connection between Diet and Oral Health

Apr 07, 2023

You may have information that having healthy foods is beneficial for weight loss, but are you aware it also benefits your oral health? This is because the foods you eat affect your mouth and teeth.

Diet and nutrition impact many dental infections, including tooth decay. Consuming fluoridated water and reducing your intake of non-milk external sugar is adequate to control dental caries. However, studies suggest that the increased consumption of bottled fluoridated water results in a marked decrease in preventing decay.

Fluoridated tap water improves teeth protection against dental caries because of the differences in fluoride bioavailability in the bottled variety. In addition, dietary surveys among children over three decades have confirmed that while sugar levels have remained stable, the contribution from soft drinks has doubled since the 80s resulting in dental caries and tooth loss, resulting in additional challenges.

How Are Your Oral Health and Diet Connected?

Consider a situation where you miss teeth and have impaired chewing abilities and continue avoiding hard and fibrous foods, including fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. People with missing teeth and impairments of having fruits and vegetables tend to neglect all health, and provisional dental prosthetics don’t improve their diet.

The dental office in Portland, OR, suggests people with missing teeth improve their consumption of fruits and vegetables when providing them with artificial teeth with dentures to ensure positive movement through different stages of change.

The Association between and Oral Health

A direct relationship exists between your diet and oral health. The explanation behind the relationship is relatively straightforward because eating healthy foods benefits your physical well-being and oral health.

Cavities: cavities in teeth on a common oral health problem caused by a combination of factors and bacteria in your mouth besides sipping sugary drinks, frequent snacking, and the lack of appropriate dental hygiene. The sugars and carbohydrates from foods and beverages encourage bacteria to convert into acids to cause enamel erosion resulting in holes in your teeth. Cavities cause problems like halitosis and severe oral health problems that require treatments from the Portland dentist more frequently than others. However, having a high calcium diet with phosphorus helps remineralize the teeth and helps fill holes that might occur in the enamel.

Diet for Oral Health

You must include foods rich in calcium and phosphorus to build strong teeth and healthy gums, including milk, cheese, nuts, and meat. If you cannot include milk products because of lactose intolerance, green vegetables like broccoli and spinach are also high in calcium.

Alternative foods beneficial for your overall health include crunchy fruits and vegetables because they help encourage saliva flow to help wash food particles from the crevices in your teeth, gums, and tongue. In addition, the foods also help prevent gum disease from plaque and tartar buildup on your teeth and beneath the gum line from improper oral hygiene maintenance.

How to Obtain Advice about Diet and Oral Health?

Professional dental offices for preventive dentistry are your best source of getting good advice on your diet for oral health. However, you must consider visits to your dentist for prevention a hassle once every six months because it helps improve your oral health without costing you a dime. Your dental insurer covers the costs of the visits to ensure you save money instead of spending it on dental treatments later because you didn’t care for your oral health.

The visits to your dentist for prevention ensure you keep your teeth and gums healthy and prevent unnecessary complications from developing in your mouth. Consider the visits to evaluate your dental hygiene routine and receive tips from the dentist on how you can improve it to reap better benefits for your oral health.

Prevention visits to your dentist require about an hour to examine your mouth after cleaning your teeth to remove any traces of infections that might aggravate later. You also receive a fluoride treatment to remineralize your teeth and prevent the occurrence of cavities. The dentist also discusses the need to have fruits and vegetables providing calcium and minerals to your teeth to help keep your oral health optimal.

If you are unaware of how your diet impacts your oral health, you must consider investing in preventive dentistry for your entire family because it helps detect dental problems early and provides advice on a diet that benefits your overall well-being, including your teeth and mouth.

Laurelhurst Dentistry emphasizes having a proper diet to benefit your oral health. If you are unaware of this subject, kindly schedule your next routine cleaning with them to receive the essential information you need for the well-being of your teeth and mouth.

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